Sunday, March 2, 2008

Shop Update

I'm announcing both here and on the shop blog that the shop has been updated. You will find all new vendors:

Three Fates Fiber
Lena Brown Angora Blend Yarn
Martina's Hand-Made Stitch Markers
FreckleFace Fibers
Debra's Garden

There are several other new vendors (and new items in KaratStix), but they will be included in the next update.

Hubster has also updated the look of the site. I think you'll enjoy the pictures and layout a lot more than before. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Syd said...

Wow...the pics are great, can see the goodies so much better.

Pam I have been trying to order a skein of yarn and seem to have a problem with the Pay Pal. The screen keeps freezing and won't let me go any further in the process. Would that be a Pay Pal problem or my old computer? (have used Pay Pal on other sites with no problems, but that was a few months ago)

Love the new stuff!